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Generating links

Saule lets you customize the links that are generated during serialization. It uses the IUrlPathBuilder interface to generate all urls.

There are two complementary methods to control the link generation.

Resource and relationship configuration

By using the enumeration LinkType you can opt out of link generation for a specific ApiResource or Relationship by setting it as in the following examples:

In your ApiResource constructor:


When defining a Relationship:

BelongsTo<OtherResource>(nameof(Model.Other), "/other", LinkType.None);

You can also use LinkType.Self or LinkType.Related to keep only these types of links where relevant.

UrlPathBuilder customization

You can provide an implementation of the IUrlPathBuilder interface to the ConfigureJsonApi extension method on HttpConfiguration:

config.ConfigureJsonApi(new JsonApiConfiguration {
    UrlPathBuilder = new DefaultUrlPathBuilder()

If you want to add a prefix to all urls, you can do so in the constructor:

var prefixedUrls = new DefaultUrlPathBuilder("/api");

Saule comes with two implementations of IUrlPathBuilder:

Link type DefaultUrlPathBuilder CanonicalUrlPathBuilder
Collection of resources /people/ /people/
Individual resource /people/123/ /people/123/
Related resource /people/123/employer/ /companies/456/
Related resource’s self link /people/123/relationships/employer/ /people/123/relationships/employer/

If you want to customize generated links beyond this, you can do so by extending one of the above implementations or by implementing the interface from scratch. The IUrlPathBuilder interface consists of four methods, which correspond to the link types in the table above:

public interface IUrlPathBuilder
    // collection of resources
    string BuildCanonicalPath(ApiResource resource);

    // individual resource
    string BuildCanonicalPath(ApiResource resource, string id);

    // related resource
    string BuildRelationshipPath(ApiResource resource, string id, ResourceRelationship relationship);

    // related resource self link
    string BuildRelationshipPath(ApiResource resource, string id, ResourceRelationship relationship, string relatedResourceId);

The included implementations use these methods internally as well; if you override BuildCanonicalPath(ApiResource), it will affect the result of all other methods.